A Complete Guide to ACME Thread Gauges: Uses and Specifications in Detail

There are lots of materials being used in an industrial area in order to ease the work and manual labour too. ACME Thread gauges are one such tool used in industries. There are ACME gauges of two types- one is the thread ring and the other is the threaded plug.

What are ACME thread gauges?

With two types of gauges available in ACME, the functions of both are not similar. While rings are used for checking the external kind of thread, plugs are used for checking the internal threads. ACME thread gauges have GO and NOGO as well as Ring Hand and Left Hand available with them. Some of the best manufacturers can provide you multiple start threads and some can provide modified threads as well. There are:

- Centralizing ACME

- General purpose ACME

- Stub ACME thread ring and plug gauge


Generally, when you go to buy an ACME, you will find certain features of this unique tool. The ACME threads forms have a thread angle of almost 29 degrees. Height of thread is almost half of that of pitch; peak and crest is flat. By choosing best manufacturers of threads and gauges you will get materials from a well-stocked system that are calibrated up to 100% and gives the client absolute assurance of quality. Prices are lower with quality at the topmost level.

Describing two ACME Thread gauges

General purpose ACME thread gauge:

In industrial areas, people commonly use general purpose thread gauges. There are different classes of fit where 2G is used as a priority. There are other classes of fit too- 3G as well as 4G.

Material that ACME thread is made of is oil hardened tool steel of very high wear resistance. Hardness is almost 58 to 62 HRC. The rings in these gages are absolutely solid that does not need any setting of plugs at all. Plugs are having taper lock systems with dual ends and a single handle. All gauges are absolutely brand new where the gauge manufacturer is ISO9001 certified.

Temperature control is yet another important segment in all-purpose ACME Thread gauges. While testing them, temperature shall be about 20 degrees and humidity shall be around 45% to 65%. You also get to have long term calibration certificate from labs that are ISO17025 accredited. If you want these specialties, it is to be told in advance.\

Centralizing ACME thread gauges:

If you find difficulty in using general purpose thread gauge like deadlocking situations between the threads of male and female, you can easily shift towards centralizing ACME. This will not deadlock at all and the class most favoured here is 2C.

Stub ACME thread gauges:

For limited spaces, stub ACME is the best option. Here classes fit are 2G.

Other functions of manufacturers

Well, thread gauges are important and it is recommended to buy the best ones from trusted suppliers only. These manufacturers do customization as well where they will print and pack according to requirement of clients. Also, they do provide a laser marking facility where the client’s company logo is imprinted on the tools. Delivery time is minimal as it takes only three to five days for goods to reach your destination.